NutraTalk Blog

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Scientists are trying to learn more about viruses. Studies have shown that vitamin D can help prevent the risk of infection.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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"I'm tired when I'm supposed to be tired now and I have energy when I'm supposed to have energy in the morning, and these were things that I didn't have...before I started Daily Essential Nutrients."
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Experts are raving about the difference Hardy Nutritionals® Daily Essential Nutrients have made in their patients’ lives.
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Are you struggling with mood swings and looking for safe alternative options? Hardy Nutritionals® Daily Essential Nutrients can help.
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These people share their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential micronutrients for mood, anger, anxiety, and stress.
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Customers often share with us that they get sick less often when they use our micronutrients daily.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Research
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We are pleased to announce that we are now offering our flagship micronutrient formula in a new, smaller, more affordable size. Daily Essential Nutrients is now available in two sizes: 120 capsules and 360 capsules.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: News
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These doctors share details about their experiences using Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients with patients.
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Daily Essential Nutrients improved the "inattention" part of ADHD much better than placebo in the study and dramatically improved both inattention/impulsivity and mood control in children with ADHD.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD, Focus
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During this time of uncertainty, you can count on Hardy Nutritionals® to continue delivering the top quality products and personal service you have come to expect.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: News