Erica first heard about Daily Essential Nutrients from her psychiatrist, who recommended she take it for her anxiety and depression stemming from PTSD. She has now been taking it for three years and shares her experience with others who may be struggling with similar issues.
On a day to day basis, Erica has dealt with a wide range of PTSD symptoms including anxiety, insomnia, suicidal thoughts, sleep paralysis and nightmares. She found that when adding Daily Essential Nutrients to her regimen, her sleep issues are alleviated, which helps her stay balanced throughout the day.
Before trying Daily Essential Nutrients, Erica tried other remedies for sleep and says, "Daily Essential Nutrients has [had] the most profound effect that I've seen on my sleep, and for me, that's the reason why I go to it every single day. Overall, it's also helping me stay regulated during the day which makes me feel like I have more stability in my life and can make better decisions moving forward and not feeling like I'm constantly dealing with my anxiety or depression issues."
Erica discusses the mental support she receives from taking Daily Essential Nutrients and how it helps her feel better during the day and sleep better at night. Like some people, Erica takes both medication and Daily Essential Nutrients together, a combination which her psychiatrist oversees. She says that she is able to take less anxiety medication as a result, and feels like she has found the right ratio of medication and micronutrients that works well for her.
"I didn't start taking the full therapeutic dose until I got a cold...and what I noticed was not only did my cold go away faster, but that's when I noticed that I was sleeping really well at night." Over time, she found that taking four capsules, three times a day, provided her with a wide range of benefits and she now continues to take the full therapeutic dose of 12 capsules per day, every day.
"I don't feel like there's no hope. There were days in my past when there was lots of anxiety on a daily basis and I felt like I was trapped. The Daily Essential Nutrients supporting my system and helping me feel calm and helping me get more sleep, generally makes me feel more hopeful about the future and about what life is going to look like for me...I feel like I have more space between myself and my anxiety and depression...I have a higher tolerance for certain stressors in my life."
Daily Essential Nutrients is not a magical cure-all pill. It is a foundation of highly absorbable nutrients which allows the body to get the elements it needs to not just survive, but to thrive. This complex micronutrient formulation is available without a prescription from Hardy Nutritionals. For a list of health care providers who work with Daily Essential Nutrients, visit our health professional locator.