Could yeast infections impair recovery from mental illness? A case study using micronutrients and olive leaf extract for the treatment of ADHD and depression.

A 24-year-old woman who experienced dramatic improvement in her ADHD and depression symptoms for more than 2 years while taking a micronutrient formulation co-developed by Hardy Nutritionals® founder David Hardy later experienced a recurrence of her former psychiatric symptoms as a result of a severe yeast infection. Her physical symptoms included an overall flu-like feeling; a chronic sore throat and runny nose; cravings for sugary and starchy foods; gastrointestinal cramps; and rashes and itching on her legs, groin, genital and rectal areas. Psychiatric symptoms included severe moodiness, inability to experience pleasure, and chronic irritability. These physical and psychiatric symptoms persisted for several months despite her ongoing use of a prescription antifungal cream. The woman began taking four capsules of olive leaf extract (identical to our Hardy Nutritionals™ Olive Leaf Extract) as well as two capsules of probiotics (identical to our Hardy Nutritionals™ Greens & Probiotics) daily to treat the yeast infection, in addition to her regular therapeutic dose of the micronutrients. After a week and a half, the woman’s physical and psychiatric symptoms both improved, including disappearance of her rashes, cessation of the chronic itching, elimination of her runny nose, and improved mood and energy levels. After 2 months, she had returned to her previous level of function. During a year of follow-up, researchers found that the woman continued to enjoy relief from the physical and psychiatric symptoms caused by the yeast infection as long as she continued to take the Olive Leaf Extract.

Could yeast infections impair recovery from mental illness? A case study using micronutrients and olive leaf extract for the treatment of ADHD and depression.

Rucklidge JJ. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine. 2013 Summer;27(3):14-8.

†The micronutrient formulation studied was a pre-2013 version of Truehope EMPowerplus which was co-formulated by David Hardy and Anthony Stephan. Truehope EMPowerplus is a registered trademark of The Synergy Group of Canada Inc., which was co-founded by David Hardy and Anthony Stephan in 1999. David Hardy officially resigned as a shareholder of The Synergy Group of Canada Inc. and director of Truehope Nutritional Support Ltd. in 2013 to focus his efforts exclusively on Hardy Nutritionals®.