NutraTalk Blog

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Many parents know that taking pills can be a real nightmare for some children. Even many adults have trouble swallowing medication. Difficulty in swallowing medication can have huge implications for a child's health and for a family stress level, especially in families already challenged by life-threatening illnesses. The added problem ...
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Pediatrics
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When one is diagnosed with an MTHFR mutation, the first thing typically recommended is methylfolate – or, incorrectly, folic acid in high amounts. The MTHFR Genetic Mutation Those who know they have a mutation in their MTHFR gene ( methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase ) are likely all too familiar with the fact ...
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: MTHFR
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Professor Julia Rucklidge has long suspected there may be a link between our modern diet and a rise in mental health problems. So in Christchurch, she's carrying out a study that's turned up some ground-breaking results: that many mental illness may be combated when we get the right nutrients.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: ADHD
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If you are planning to transition from medications to Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrient therapies, this short video will help you to do so successfully.
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Before finding David’s Micronutrients, I lived a life that was hardly worth living. I know I cannot change the past, but I have now been living my life to the fullest since my recovery and I am grateful for each day I have my sanity.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Mood
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Hardy Nutritionals® has worked hard to develop products that are functional and beneficial and we manufacture our formulas with the strictest of quality assurance practices. We want to provide safe products to satisfy consumer priorities for specific needs. We are pleased to announce that we certify our Daily Essential Nutrients ...
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: Gut Health
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Thousands of people have found relief from symptoms of mood and mental health disorders using the clinical micronutrient therapies formulated by the late David L. Hardy, founder of Hardy Nutritionals®.†
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We're confident that you can experience positive, life changing results using Daily Essential Nutrients and our other powerful products. In order to obtain an optimal response, there are some crucial things you will need to know.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: ADHD
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David L. Hardy, the founder and the 'face' of Hardy Nutritionals ®, knew that the cause he started would outlive him. David built a transition leadership team around him when he founded the company, and as a result, this management team has been running day-to-day operations since then.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: News
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In November, the Hardy Nutritionals® team was pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) Annual Conference in San Diego, CA. Our founder, David Hardy, and his son Dallin Hardy (Product Development Scientist on the Hardy Nutritionals® management team) manned an exhibition ...
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: ADHD, News