NutraTalk Blog

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Supplement companies use terms like “organic,” “raw,” and “food-based” to sound healthier than other products. More often than not, you’re not getting more nutrients in those products.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Research
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Researchers provided mosque shooting survivors with Optimal Balance® and published the results in International Perspectives in Psychology.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Stress, Research
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On a long road of ups and downs, Celeste found micronutrients and was able to bring a balance and peace to her life she never thought possible.
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Julia Rucklidge, Ph.D., has been researching the impact nutrition can have on mental health for the past twenty years.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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Daily Essential Nutrients is endorsed by psychiatrists and researchers for improvements in cognition, behavior, mood, and focus.
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Hardy Nutritionals' Daily Essential Nutrients is the world’s most research-backed supplement for mood and mental health.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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Dr. Rucklidge and Dr. Kaplan join The Higher Practice podcast with Dr. Van Derveer to discuss nutrition as the foundation of mental health.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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Did you know that our clinical strength micronutrients have been clinically proven to help smokers quit? Plus their overall health improved.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Withdrawal, Research
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Amino acids are the building blocks of the body, and considered essential to the body’s function, especially when it comes to physiological processes.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Withdrawal, Research
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Dan says he loses battles from time to time but feels like he is finally "winning the war with anxiety". He wants fellow anxiety sufferers to know that they don’t have to deal with anxiety alone.