NutraTalk Blog

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Reducing psychiatric medication under the care of a health professional while taking Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients is important for two key reasons.
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: Research
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When it comes to essential elements: When you get all the things that you need, your whole body can be healthy and strong and function well.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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In 2017, one month after taking DEN all the chronic fatigue symptoms stopped... I can only chalk this up to taking DEN.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Energy
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The APA textbook, "Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice", featuring micronutrients has been awarded the 2017 Gold Nautilus Book Award.
Posted in: Research
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The urges have basically disappeared completely, leaving me with only the occasional time my hand reaches up to my head out of habit, but I used to not to be able to stop.  Now I simply have no urge to continue. My hair is now thick and full and luscious and I wear it out all the time.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Stress, Anxiety
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At Hardy Nutritionals®, the closest we come to providing food is in our Greens & Probiotics product. Our Greens & Probiotics supplement provides food together with bacteria, also known as probiotics. This includes eight strains of bacteria that are known to be beneficial for human health.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research, Gut Health
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In this video, Taron, a scientist at Hardy Nutritionals®, discusses the "Possible Limiting Factors" section of the Daily Essential Nutrients Clinical Reference Guide, which regards the management of psychiatric medications.
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: Research
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University of Canterbury researchers have again demonstrated broad-spectrum micronutrients to be a viable alternative to conventional medication for anxiety and depression. In Christchurch, New Zealand, university researchers are attempting to address "common but serious psychiatric problems" in the community.
Posted in: Research
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In all, there are now over 100 medical journal publications backing the use of micronutrients for psychiatric disorders spanning a myriad of diagnoses.  Each of these studies has been independently funded, and carried out by university researchers.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD
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"We have literally tried everything under the sun except for prescription drugs to help our son with ADHD & ODD. This includes several extensive therapies both of the holistic and traditional varieties as well as many, many supplements."
Posted in: Success Stories