NutraTalk Blog

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In order to continue to fund important third-party research on broad-spectrum micronutrients for mental health and publish studies in reputable medical journals, Dr. Bonnie Kaplan established two Nutrition and Mental Health Funds, managed by independent community foundations.
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Micronutrients are becoming known as the first line of defense against mental health challenges.
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One our of most frequently asked questions is, "Do I need to keep taking my other supplements while using Daily Essential Nutrients?". As a general rule of thumb, it is not necessary to take additional vitamins or minerals when taking Daily Essential Nutrients.
Posted in: Product Safety
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Micronutrient treatment "Daily Essential Nutrients" is proven to reduce pediatric ADHD symptoms according to a recent study.
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During the quit phase (12 weeks), participants were registered with a public Quitline while consuming micronutrients or placebo. Carbon monoxide levels were measured to confirm smoking cessation.
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In the latest Soundbite From Our Scientists, Taron explains how certain non-psychiatric medications may also interact with Daily Essential Nutrients.
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The gut-brain connection is a proven idea that explains those "gut-wrenching feelings" or "getting butterflies". Yeast overgrowth prevents nutrient absorption...
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There are many schools of thought when it comes to determining the root cause of anxiety, but several researchers have demonstrated an important correlation between nutrient deficiencies and symptoms.
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Reducing psychiatric medication under the care of a health professional while taking Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients is important for two key reasons.
Posted in: Product Safety
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When it comes to essential elements: When you get all the things that you need, your whole body can be healthy and strong and function well.
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