Life after Osteoporosis with Macro Mineral Boost (formerly called Bone Health Essentials)
"In 2007, just weeks after my youngest daughter's wedding I stepped on the vacuum cleaner as I was walking down the stairs and broke my ankle. It was a bad break. My bone broke in a couple places. Being in a cast and using crutches or a walker really cramped my style. I love spending time with my grand-kids and being out of commission like this made it so I couldn't enjoy them like I wanted. I also really enjoy traveling, and traveling in a cast is not my idea of a good time.
When I went to see my doctor he ordered some bone density scans along with the X-rays and right away determined that I had a bad case of Osteoporosis. Stepping on the vacuum like I did wouldn't have normally caused any issues but with weak bones the break happened unexpectedly. The diagnosis was devastating for me.
My doctor prescribed Fosamax. I really needed some effective treatment for my Osteo but really didn't feel that Fosamax was the right option for me. Actually, after looking deeper into the side effects, I was quite set against taking it.
Being post-menopausal, I'd heard that recovering from a bone break like mine can be very difficult but I was determined to find a natural solution to my condition. I contacted a relative who was big into natural health products and asked what they would recommend for my Osteo.
I started taking Macro Mineral Boost and over the next few weeks I noticed my strength coming back. I'm confident that it sped up my recovery considerably. After a few months I had a bone scan done and the doctor was really surprised how good my bone density was. Even though he wasn't too supportive of me taking the Macro Mineral Boost initially, after he noticed the big improvements in my bone density he said I should certainly just keep taking it. Getting rid of the crutches and not having to limp around everywhere was a huge relief!
In 2013 my husband and I travel to Africa to serve a mission for our church. Before I got on the plane I made sure that I had enough bottles of product to last my entire stay. Running out or not being able to get a shipment in the mail of my lifeline was NOT an option!
Me with some lovely young ladies in Uganda at the market (above)
I'm so glad that throughout my stay in Africa (a year and a half) that I was able to really enjoy the people and experiences there without worrying about breaking a bone or getting sick. While in Africa, I continued to take the Macro Mineral Boost faithfully along Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients, which I absolutely love.
Me and my husband on a Safari (above)
A few months after getting back from Africa, I ran out of the Macro Mineral Boost for a few months and just about immediately noticed a difference in my health. My finger nails were much more brittle and I could just tell that my bones were not as strong as they had been. I even had my doctor do another bone scan and my worst fears were bone density was declining. I started feeling weaker and I was really worried about another bone break.I started taking a bone product from the local health food store but I didn't notice much of a difference in my nails or how weak I felt.
Finally, I got some more Macro Mineral Boost and within just a couple of weeks noticed that I was improving. I'm now back to feeling like I did before I stopped taking Macro Mineral Boost. I'm feeling better than ever. The best part is that I can do the travelling that I love to do, remain active, and give my grandkids the time and attention that I want to give them.
"For me, life without Macro Mineral Boost is no life at all. I've learned that the hard way. I'm so grateful that I found this non-drug, natural treatment for my Osteo. I tell everyone about it that I can."
+During the first few years of her recovery, Terri took pre-2013 versions of EMPowerplus and Bone Mineral Densifier, both products co-formulated by Hardy Nutritionals® founder David Hardy.
For the last few years, she has taken Macro Mineral Boost and Daily Essential Nutrients, newer formulations, formulated by Hardy Nutritionals® founder David Hardy. Terri currently takes 6 capsules of Hardy Nutritionals® Macro Mineral Boost and 12 capsules of Hardy Nutritionals® Daily Essential Nutrients daily.