NutraTalk Blog

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Daily Essential Nutrients improved the "inattention" part of ADHD much better than placebo in the study and dramatically improved both inattention/impulsivity and mood control in children with ADHD.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Focus, ADHD
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In this video, Dr. Settle discusses the protocols and outcomes she has experienced in her practice using Daily Essential Nutrients with patients.
Posted in: Getting Started, Research
Tagged with: Research, Dosage
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In a segment geared toward mental health professionals, Dr. Rucklidge is interviewed about the importance of micronutrients when it comes to mental health.
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Two recent double-blind trials and several medical journal publications support the use of Daily Essential Nutrients for mood and focus.
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Taron from the Hardy Nutritionals® Science Team discusses the differences between the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) and Percent Daily Value (%DV).
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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Dallin from the Hardy Nutritionals® science team shares an ADHD research update on Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients, a clinical micronutrient therapy designed to alleviate mood and mental health symptoms.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research, Energy, Focus, Behavior, ADHD
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A new study on Daily Essential Nutrients focusing on pregnant women who are struggling with depression and anxiety is underway.
Posted in: Research
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University of Utah researchers have discovered differences in the way brains work when it comes to young people who have experienced depression.
Posted in: Research
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In September of 2019, Dr. Kaplan was recognized for her work in micronutrient treatment and mental health research by receiving the prestigious Dr. Rogers Prize.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: News
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Health care providers are reporting phenomenal results from putting patients on this micronutrient supplement.