Lori has struggled with severe mood swings, racing thoughts and anxiety for most of her adult life. A difficult childhood complicated by stress gave way to debilitating depression, anxiety, and overwhelming PTSD symptoms. These ultimately manifested as bipolar disorder, and her life began to spiral out of control.
Throughout the next 20 years or so, Lori worked with her psychiatrist to try, albeit unsuccessfully, to find the right balance of medications. While the medications partially helped, she suffered through a host of negative side-effects which gravely impacted her personal life and work relationships for many years.
Finally, her psychiatrist introduced her to Hardy Nutritionals® and she began transitioning to Daily Essential Nutrients, a specialized blend of clinical micronutrients. Within a relatively short period of time, Lori finally started to feel like herself again. Now, after 8 years of using the micronutrients, Lori has graciously agreed to share her story with others.
In her own words, Lori shares her experience using Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN) to help balance her mental health. During her early twenties, Lori was diagnosed with depression. Unfortunately, she experienced manic episodes as a side effect of the medication she had been prescribed.
Ultimately, while taking the psychiatric medications she was hospitalized several times for psychotic episodes. She remembers pleading with her doctor, "We've got to find another way. This isn't working."
Her doctor recommended the clinical-strength micronutrient formulation, Daily Essential Nutrients.
"The whole point of therapy is to be gradually introduced to feelings that are intolerable to you, and that's what DEN did for me. It [gave] me the inner strength...to do the hard work of the therapy."
Lori says Daily Essential Nutrients is not a magic pill. "It allows me to think clearly so I can work through my feelings," she shares. "DEN allowed me to do the therapy work I needed to do to be mentally healthy."
Lori knows firsthand about the impact of mental illness and says it affected every facet of her life. She has now been a Hardy Nutritionals® customer for over 8 years and says she highly recommends it to others who are seeking a legitimate alternative to psychiatric medications for bipolar disorder.
"Life's not perfect, but I've got this perspective that I am a fully functional person. Being physically healthier and mentally healthier has allowed me to do all of the other things that are good for my health."
Lori says that she wishes people would better understand the physiological component of mental health.
Daily Essential Nutrients is backed by third-party independent university studies for a wide range of mood and mental health disorders.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with Daily Essential Nutrients (DEN)! It’s always inspiring to hear how DEN has positively impacted your life, and your story is a powerful reminder of the benefits it can bring when taken consistently.
While this review appears under the category of Phosphatidyl Choline, we want to let others know that the dramatic results you’ve described—like improved mental health and relief from acute anxiety—are attributed to DEN, which is designed to be taken at higher therapeutic doses for optimal results. For those seeking similar outcomes, we encourage them to explore Daily Essential Nutrients instead of standalone choline supplements.
Your feedback means a lot to us, and we’re so glad DEN has been such a vital part of your wellness journey.
Warm regards,
The Hardy Team