NutraTalk Blog

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Dr. Brenda Leung, assistant professor at the University of Lethbridge's Faculty of Health Sciences is doing a first-of-its-kind study on ADHD in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Calvary, Oregon Health and Science University and The Ohio State University.
Posted in: Research
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Barbara L. Gracious MD shares slides, studies and research findings supporting the use of broad-spectrum micronutrient treatments for mood and mental health.
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You might be surprised to see such a wide variety of percent daily values (%DV) on our micronutrients' labels, and some of the percentages are pretty high!  If you have ever wondered about the safety implications of these quantities of nutrients, this article is for you.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Dosage
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A new study is circulating the web citing research that supports the idea that vitamins and minerals do not improve overall health, but does that apply to micronutrients?
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For those who are taking Daily Essential Nutrients, Hardy Nutritionals® clinical broad-spectrum micronutrient formulation, but who are still dealing with some level of residual mood swings, anxiety or depression--hormonal or otherwise--additional supplementation may be required.  Introducing supplements such as 5HTP, SAMe, Inositol, Niacinimide, among others, may be helpful in providing added relief.
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Independent studies and extensive clinical expertise with Hardy Nutritionals® broad spectrum micronutrient formulations have generated a much more comprehensive picture than ever before of the importance of essential nutrients and the impact that they exhibit on human well-being.
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Micronutrients are an important part of good health, and are essential for the proper performance of all body functions. Micronutrients are minerals, and vitamins, which are very crucial for good health. Vitamins are natural chemicals that we need for processes such as growth, reproduction, and general well-being.
Posted in: Research
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Why Micronutrients Are Important: Evidence From Research Studies: As their names suggest, macronutrients are required in large amount while as micronutrients are required in smaller amounts...
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Why Micronutrients Are Needed: Every person needs micronutrients in order to survive, let alone to thrive.  The most important reason micronutrients are needed is because the body cannot make micronutrients on its own, so these essential nutrients must be provided in some other way.
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Micronutrients: We need them in order to survive. Micronutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants must be provided in a balanced, absorbable format in order to optimize the health of the body.
Posted in: Research
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