NutraTalk Blog

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We are pleased to announce updated branding on our general health micronutrient complex, formerly known as Daily Self Defense, now called Optimal Balance™.
Posted in: General Health
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The microflora imbalance quiz can help answer important questions about your gut health. Do you suffer from lethargy, nausea, headaches, depression, insomnia, brain fog, indigestion or bowel irregularity? When was the last time you reset your gut?
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Gut Health
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Independent studies and extensive clinical expertise with Hardy Nutritionals® broad spectrum micronutrient formulations have generated a much more comprehensive picture than ever before of the importance of essential nutrients and the impact that they exhibit on human well-being.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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DEN has stopped the voices I used to hear and the depression is gone.  I am completely stable and have never felt this happy for this long in one stretch in my life. My sleep has improved greatly and I am waking up happy every morning.
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It is important to note that nutrient-drug interactions are very common, as potent nutritional formulations such as Daily Essential Nutrients have a tendency to potentiate certain medications, thereby making their effects (and side-effects) stronger in the body.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Dosage, Withdrawal
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We are pleased to announce the Hardy Nutritionals® Health Professional Locator, a new interactive tool available worldwide. Now you can find a healthcare provider...
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: News
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Before anyone begins taking clinical micronutrients, they should take 6 minutes to watch this important video, which includes information for your doctor.
Posted in: Getting Started
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Over 30 independent studies have now been published in medical journals in which Hardy Nutritionals® founder David Hardy's micronutrient formulations were...
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: Research
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"Even my out-of-state daughters can hear the energy in her voice on the phone, say she is amazingly “with it” now and they feel like they are “talking to mom again!” DEN has reversed the effects of dementia far better than we dared hope."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Energy, Focus, Mood
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"My son would get angry for no apparent reason. He would destroy things and rage and scream for no reason, with no known trigger. I tried a lot of natural methods to help calm my child. I looked into every trusted herbal remedy and everything we tried worked for a week, maybe two..."
Posted in: Success Stories