NutraTalk Blog

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"Around puberty (age 12), my son started to experience trichotillomania (hair pulling) and OCD symptoms that negatively affected his quality of life. His pediatrician recommended he start taking Zoloft to "take the edge off." Neither I nor my husband felt right about medicating our son..."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Dosage, Energy, Mood, Research
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He has been taking these micronutrients for about 2 months now and I am so blown away by the changes I have already seen, I am excited for him to start school and see how the micronutrients can help him in that respect.
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Until August 15, 2017, enter the code OLEBOGO as you checkout in our store, and for each bottle of Hardy Nutritionals® Olive Leaf Extract that you purchase, you’ll automatically get a second bottle for FREE.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: Gut Health
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In a recent case study published in the International Journal of Mental Health Systems, researchers set out to compare the costs of psychiatric care and hospitalizations to the costs associated with using micronutrient therapy to control symptoms and improve quality of life.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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"He is now hopeful for his future after years of unnecessary pain . Thank you Hardy for giving me my son back."
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: News
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Dr. Julia Rucklidge, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Canterbury has been studying the impact of nutrition on mental health for over a decade. Her findings, and those of her colleagues, have been a major driving force behind the growing number of healthcare providers in the U.S. and worldwide recommending micronutrients before psychoactive medications.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: ADHD
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In his comprehensive review of micronutrient therapy in psychiatry, published in the peer-reviewed journal Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America in 2014, Dr. Charles Popper of Harvard University’s McLean Hospital discussed among other things the interplay between micronutrients and conventional medications.
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: Research
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As a leading cause of disability, suicide and homicide in the United States, there is no denying that mental disorders have become a worldwide crisis. [1] While a wide range of labels are assigned to a long list of symptoms, university research is supporting a growing body of evidence that nutrition is involved.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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You may have noticed our site has recently been upgraded to include verified purchaser reviews. Over the past years we have received many positive comments from customers and healthcare professionals who use our products. We have shared some of those stories with you on our blog and in our newsletter. ...
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: News
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The Daily Essential Nutrients micronutrients are really helping our son. He is now much more happy and easier going than usual. I can see the difference. Almost immediately, (the same day). I now understand the hefty price tag. It's the quality and quantity of essential nutrients. They are providing the correct balance that his brain was starving for.
Posted in: Success Stories
Tagged with: Aggression, Stress