NutraTalk Blog

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Great news! Hardy Nutritionals® customers are now able to download or request emailed copies of PDF statements of past purchases when logged in to their Hardy Nutritionals® account.
Posted in: General Health
Tagged with: News
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"The difference is now he can have a conversation and not just storm off. We feel like we can talk with him."
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If you have health insurance and you live in the United States, you might be able to get some or all of your Hardy Nutritionals® purchases covered by your insurance plan or be eligible as a healthcare tax deduction.
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: News
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Through all the ups and downs he experienced since coming off the medication, Bruce says he has "never felt the deep depressive symptoms" that caused him to seek treatment in the first place. “I don’t know if the medication helped. But I do know that I’m very glad I’m off.”
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Barbara L. Gracious MD shares slides, studies and research findings supporting the use of broad-spectrum micronutrient treatments for mood and mental health.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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You might be surprised to see such a wide variety of percent daily values (%DV) on our micronutrients' labels, and some of the percentages are pretty high!  If you have ever wondered about the safety implications of these quantities of nutrients, this article is for you.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Dosage
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We are extremely excited to announce our new sample packs of Daily Essential Nutrients powder, which are now available for purchase in the Hardy Nutritionals® online store .
Posted in: Getting Started
Tagged with: News
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At Hardy Nutritionals®, we are constantly striving to improve the customer experience. As such, we have made a slight but very important upgrade to our Omegas--the formula remains the same, but the source has improved resulting in no more fishy burps or fishy aftertaste.
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: ADHD
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A new study is circulating the web citing research that supports the idea that vitamins and minerals do not improve overall health, but does that apply to micronutrients?
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research
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For those who are taking Daily Essential Nutrients, Hardy Nutritionals® clinical broad-spectrum micronutrient formulation, but who are still dealing with some level of residual mood swings, anxiety or depression--hormonal or otherwise--additional supplementation may be required.  Introducing supplements such as 5HTP, SAMe, Inositol, Niacinimide, among others, may be helpful in providing added relief.