NutraTalk Blog

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Research over the past few years has found a spike in crabby behavior. From road rage to outbursts at work — could our diets be to blame?
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Mood
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What makes Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients unique is the amount of independent research supporting its efficacy for mood & mental health.
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Recent research shows that broad-spectrum micronutrients are a safe and effective alternative to drugs for ADHD and mood disorders.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Focus, Behavior, ADHD
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Doctors are using this groundbreaking research to recommend nutrition as a primary treatment for mood disorders and mental health.
Posted in: Research
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Dr. Bonnie J. Kaplan, Ph.D. was recently featured on “Operation Tango Romeo”, a Trauma Recovery Podcast, to speak about her book, The Better Brain.
Posted in: Research
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Medication is not an effective long-term solution for many individuals. So researchers asked, what other treatment options are there?
Posted in: Research
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For those with ADHD, there is a promising new method for better managing symptoms without the side effects often associated with medications.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Focus, ADHD
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Drink milk, get strong bones. Eat vegetables, get strong muscles. But it seems like one body part is consistently left out of the narrative: our brains.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Behavior, Anxiety
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Researchers provided mosque shooting survivors with Optimal Balance® and published the results in International Perspectives in Psychology.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Stress, Research
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Julia Rucklidge, Ph.D., has been researching the impact nutrition can have on mental health for the past twenty years.
Posted in: Research
Tagged with: Research