Our son Ben (8 years old and non-verbal) was raging, violent, busting windows, knocking holes in walls, biting, pinching and hair pulling. We were told to put him away...that there was nothing that could be done for him.
Yes, we tried lots of RX meds, but nothing worked for more than a few weeks.
When we started Hardy Nutritionals® Daily Essential Nutrients, Ben was on 13 prescription medications. The lady I spoke with from Hardy Nutritionals® would ask me over and over if that was correct—she couldn't believe it.
Three weeks after starting Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients we had a meeting with the school. They said in the last two weeks he had made a huge turn around: Sitting in his chair, following directions, learning to write his name, learned his colors. Ben has now been on Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients for two months.
In addition, Ben has started pooping in the potty now that he is taking Hardy's Greens & Probiotics. We've been working on this for 4 years with no luck.
He is now playing with other children, not just sitting next to them. Ben will get a glass, go to the sink, turn the water on, fill the glass and drink. He now follows directions, his focus is great.
When it's time for bed, Ben comes to get us to brush his teeth and go to bed instead of screaming for 30 minutes. Every day when we pick him from school teacher would say, 'What are you guys doing? Ben is doing better every day!'
I know to some of you, this may not be a lot but to us, it's huge.
Ben's not having meltdowns every day, the screaming has stopped, and we can go to church.
Ben is off RX meds and he's so much happier. I'm not going to lie to you, coming off the meds was tough on him and on us, BUT worth it. Hardy Nutritionals® was there all the way with support.
Our son has severe ADHD, ASD, OCD, and anxiety. I wish I had found Hardy's Daily Essential Nutrients 4 years ago. Thanks.
- P.B., Customer Since September 2017