NutraTalk Blog

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The Leading Edge Series has produced a mini documentary about why supplementing with the vitamins and minerals in our technology-enhanced nutritional products is so important. This 5 minute segment will air on educational Public TV (PTV). Because we are so excited about it, we thought we should share it with ...
Posted in: Product Safety
Tagged with: ADHD
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Dr. Charles Popper was not always interested in nutrients. As Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School , he was (and still is) a prominent expert in the use of psychiatric medications. He became interested in nutrient treatments for mood disorders only ...
Posted in: Research
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What we eat affects our mental health. University of Canterbury psychology professor Julia Rucklidge recently gave an informative public presentation about how poor food choices are risk factors for many psychiatric problems and how supplements can help. Watch a brief pre-presentation interview with Dr. Rucklidge.
Posted in: Research