To assess how adults with bipolar disorder respond to micronutrients, scientists from New York University and the University of Calgary recently analyzed data from 358 adults who took formulations co-developed+ by Hardy Nutritionals® founder David Hardy for 6 months or more and who regularly reported their symptoms.
Overall, 82% of adults experienced a measureable improvement in symptoms! Researchers reported that the individuals whose mental health improved the most in the study sample:
The researchers also noted that the majority of adults in the remaining 18% of study participants who didn't experience measureable improvements, either:
Here are some of the other findings from the study:
This impressive response in a large sample of adults with bipolar disorder, together with other compelling research results, is strong evidence that David Hardy's micronutrient formulations are safe and effective as natural alternatives to psychiatric medications, especially when taken at the full recommended therapeutic dose.
Gately, D & Kaplan BJ (2009). Database analysis of adults with bipolar disorder consuming a micronutrient formula. Clinical Medicine Insights: Psychiatry. 4:3-16.
+Refers to pre-2013 versions of Truehope EMPowerplus which were co-formulated by David Hardy. Truehope EMPowerplus is a registered trademark of The Synergy Group of Canada Inc.