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Using Micronutrients and Medications
Is it safe to take Daily Essential Nutrients with medications?
The short answer is yes – if you follow the guidelines we give! We encourage all individuals who are currently taking medications to work closely with their doctor, because all medication levels should be monitored while using Daily Essential Nutrients. The main reason is that people who take Daily Essential Nutrients have a reduced need for most medications over time – especially psychiatric medications. As the nutrients begin to normalize body chemistry, people feel over-medicated until they reduce their psychiatric medication doses.
In his comprehensive review of micronutrient therapy in psychiatry, published in the peer-reviewed journal Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America in 2014, Dr. Charles Popper of Harvard University’s McLean Hospital discussed among other things the interplay between micronutrients and conventional medications. One of the things he considered “particularly impressive in reviewing the reports on broad-spectrum micronutrient effects on mood disorders” was “the ability of most patients to discontinue their previous psychiatric medications entirely or at least reduce their doses.”
On the other hand, he identified as one of the “disadvantages of this treatment” that “drug-nutrient interactions are a challenge to patients when transitioning from conventional medications to [micronutrients]…” He clarified further by saying that the transition away from medications can be especially difficult “if withdrawal syndromes result from tapering of long-term treatments with benzodiazepines, SSRIs, or some antipsychotic agents” and he asserted that most physicians “need consultation or training when learning to conduct these transitions” beyond their standard, formal education. At Hardy Nutritionals®, we have had enough feedback from doctors and patients using our micronutrients to know exactly what Dr. Popper is talking about, but the concept of drug-nutrient interactions is neither new nor alarming. It is well-known that significant diet changes can create a need to adjust medication dosing, and even simply eating a grapefruit can throw an otherwise well-dosed medication out of whack.
Our experience is that while Daily Essential Nutrients can initially be taken safely with most medications, both you and your doctor should expect that most types of medications will need to be adjusted or gradually eliminated while using Daily Essential Nutrients. An optimally functioning, healthy body has no need for medications, so it should be no surprise that using a natural intervention as powerful and comprehensive as Daily Essential Nutrients might eliminate the need for certain medications or at least require dose reductions.
If you are taking any medication of any kind, it is strongly recommended that you are monitored by a physician who is familiar with micronutrient therapy and the medications that you are taking. The knowledgeable Product Specialists and scientists at Hardy Nutritionals® can direct both you and your doctor to resources that can help.
Why is it so important to understand your medication side effects if you are taking micronutrients and medications?
If you are taking medications, frequently review their potential side effects, using a resource such as Drugs.com, RxList.com, or WebMD.com. As your body responds to the nutrients, you may need less medication; increased side effects may indicate that medications need to be reduced. We strongly recommend that you consult with your doctor when altering your treatment regimen and before adjusting your medication dosing.
When taking medications simultaneously with Daily Essential Nutrients, how will I know if my medication dose needs to be reduced?
Nutrient-drug interactions vary widely, but as a general rule over medication will cause an increase in the severity, the frequency, or the number of the side effects of the drug. If your medication side-effects increase in severity or frequency this is an indicator that the medication dose should be reduced.
Published lists of the side effects, interactions, and warnings for almost any drug can be found on a simple, user-friendly online database such as Drugs.com, RxList.com, or WebMD.com.
What does over-medication feel like?
How can I successfully transition from psychiatric medications to Daily Essential Nutrients?
When and how should I start reducing my medications?
How soon can I reduce my medications again?
How do I know if I am experiencing drug withdrawal and how can I manage it?
What products can I take to help with withdrawal symptoms?
Do antibiotics interfere with the effectiveness of Daily Essential Nutrients?
Adding a probiotic and prebiotic combination (such as Hardy Nutritionals Greens & Probiotics) during antibiotic treatment and for one to two weeks after completion is also recommended.
If an individual has a history of fungal or microbial infections a strong anti-fungal agent (such as Hardy Nutritionals Olive Leaf Extract or a prescription if warranted) is recommended for the duration of antibiotic treatment and for a short time thereafter.
(1) Ly D, DeLisi LE. Can antibiotics cause a psychosis?: Case report and review of the literature. Schizophr Res. 2017 Nov;189:204-207. PubMed PMID: 28185785.
What else do I need to know about taking medications with Daily Essential Nutrients?
This journey can feel a bit rocky at times, but educating yourself will help immensely to make your way smoother. Always remember that many others have travelled this road before you and that they have found a very fulfilling and productive life after mental illness by providing their bodies with the nourishing essential nutrients they need.
Reducing medications in the right way is essential to your success when you are taking Daily Essential Nutrients.
In addition to the obvious case of psychiatric medications, many other drugs, recreational substances, and certain herbal preparations all have psychoactive effects. Alcohol, recreational drugs, caffeine, and even certain types of over-the-counter cold & flu antihistamines can be mood and mind altering, and their use should be minimized or eliminated during micronutrient therapy. General anesthesia and many pain killers also have psychotropic effects, and should be used judiciously if at all.
Finally, oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy may create mood swings in spite of the mood-stabilizing effects of Daily Essential Nutrients. Anti-nutritional medications include oral antibiotics and antacids. Both reduce the body’s ability to extract nutrients from food by interfering with either acidic digestion or microbial digestion, and therefore a higher dose of Daily Essential Nutrients may be necessary if you are taking antacids or antibiotics.
Examples of medication interactions with a specific ingredient in Daily Essential Nutrients include folate interacting with certain cancer medications, iodine with certain thyroid medications, and vitamin K with certain anticoagulant medications. Such problems can usually be managed by appropriately adjusting the dose of the medication. Consult with a physician trained in micronutrient therapy before taking any medications simultaneously with Daily Essential Nutrients.
Where can my doctor and I get more information about using Daily Essential Nutrients?
Based on published research, our own extensive experience, and feedback from healthcare professionals who have worked with thousands of people like you, we have compiled detailed clinical reference materials to help your doctor understand how to help you transition safely from psychiatric medications to Daily Essential Nutrients.
We have helped thousands successfully introduce our nutrients to their diets and simultaneously wean off their medications. We are happy to answer any questions you or your health professional might have about this.
You or your doctor are welcome to reach us toll free in the USA or Canada at 1-855-955-1110. For overseas or international calls use 1-587-271-1110. We are open from Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Mountain Standard Time (MST). We look forward to hearing from you.
For BEST Results…
What are the most important things I need to know to have success with taking Daily Essential Nutrients?
How soon should I expect to see results?
How much do I need to take?
How much do children need to take?
How do I get started?
Can I stop taking Daily Essential Nutrients once I’ve seen a positive response?
Can I reduce my dosage of Daily Essential Nutrients after I’ve seen a positive response?
Why do I have to take so many pills?
What makes Daily Essential Nutrients more bulky than other multivitamin-mineral products?
Does Daily Essential Nutrients have any side effects at our recommended levels?
Are there any medical conditions that would prevent a person from taking Daily Essential Nutrients?
Can I add extra vitamins or minerals to Daily Essential Nutrients?
Can I take other supplements (besides vitamins and minerals) while I’m taking Daily Essential Nutrients?
Will Daily Essential Nutrients ever stop working?
What factors might increase a person’s nutrient requirements?
Gut Health and Absorption
How can I know if my gut is healthy, do you have a gut health quiz I can take?
What does my gut health have to do with my brain?
How do I know if Olive Leaf Extract is working?
How long do I need to take Olive Leaf Extract?
Is there any way to kill the yeast and avoid all the nasty flu-like symptoms?
How will taking antibiotics affect my response to Daily Essential Nutrients?
Things To Discuss With Your Doctor
Why is the recommended therapeutic dose of Daily Essential Nutrients 12 capsules per day?
What makes Daily Essential Nutrients so bulky?
Why does Daily Essential Nutrients contain high vitamin levels compared to the RDA?
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients with other supplements?
Can I take additional iron with Daily Essential Nutrients?
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients with psychiatric medications?
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients with heart medications?
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients with other medications?
Can I use Daily Essential Nutrients if I have a special medical condition?
Will digestive problems reduce the effectiveness of Daily Essential Nutrients?
Why Daily Essential Nutrient Works?
What makes Daily Essential Nutrients outperform other vitamin-mineral supplements?
What is NutraTek™ mineral delivery technology?
How does NutraTek™ technology compare with amino acid chelation?
Why is the completeness of Daily Essential Nutrients important?
Why is the nutrient balance in Daily Essential Nutrients important?
Product Safety & Quality
How safe is Daily Essential Nutrients?
What makes Daily Essential Nutrients a quality product?
How does Daily Essential Nutrients exceed quality standards?
Can children take Daily Essential Nutrients?
How long can I take Daily Essential Nutrients?
What are Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)?
Can I take a full daily dose of Daily Essential Nutrients at once?
Is it normal that Daily Essential Nutrients has changed the color of my urine?
Is it harmful to take expired Daily Essential Nutrients?
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients if I am lactose intolerant?
Does Daily Essential Nutrients contain gluten?
Does Daily Essential Nutrients contain caffeine?
Is titanium dioxide safe?
Women's Health
Can I take Daily Essential Nutrients if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
What are the benefits to taking Daily Essential Nutrients while breastfeeding?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help with symptoms related to my menstrual cycle?
Health Benefits of Micronutrients
What are some of the health benefits I can expect by supplementing with Daily Essential Nutrients?
Why is the multi-nutrient approach of Daily Essential Nutrients essential for my health?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help to promote healthy metabolism?
What are vitamins?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help maintain healthy skin and other tissues?
Why are vitamins important?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help in growth and development?
What are minerals?
Why are minerals important?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help to prevent vitamin deficiencies?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help to prevent mineral deficiencies?
What does DRI mean?
What does RDA mean?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients support brain health?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help with my daily stress and mood?
What does AI mean?
What does EAR mean?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients make up for unhealthy eating?
Can Daily Essential Nutrients help to control my weight?
What does UL mean?
How can Daily Essential Nutrients reduce my healthcare costs?
What does NOAEL mean?
What does LOAEL mean?
What is magnesium stearate and why is it used?
What is titanium dioxide and why is it used?
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